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A dedicated resource for engineers, students, scientists, and researchers about the advancements inherent in the Applied Element Method (AEM) fully nonlinear 3-D dynamic numerical analysis.
Progressive Collapse Assessment of Multistory Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Actions
rogressive collapse is a catastrophic partial or total failure that mostly occurs when a structure lose a primary structural component or more like a column or any vertical load-resisting component. This...
Irregular Steel Building Structures Subjected to Blast Loading
n seismic design, structural irregularity has been found to have a significant influence on structural response. The impact of structural irregularity on the global response of steel frame structures...
Numerical Collapse Analysis of Tsuyagawa Bridge Damaged by Tohoku Tsunami
he collapse of Tsuyagawa bridge damaged by Tohoku Tsunami is numerically investigated using the Applied Element Method, due to its advantages of simulating structural progressive collapse. The analysis was...
Progressive Collapse Assessment of Multi-Story Flat Slab Reinforced Concrete Structures under Gravity Loads
he resistance of multi-slory RC flal slab structures to progressive collapse is numerically evaluated using Appled Element Method. The case study was desiged according to ACI 318 and its progressive collapse...
The Analysis of Collapse of Deteriorated Framed Buildings
rogressive building collapse occurs when failure of a structural component leads to the failure and collapse of surrounding members, possibly promoting additional collapse. It is a complex, nonlinear dynamic...
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Numerical Models for Upgrade of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Bonded Composite Laminates
A. F. Elragi, N. M. Abdel-Rahman and Hatem Tagel-Din: Numerical Models for Upgrade of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Bonded Composite Laminates, 4th International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, Volume 1, May 2002...
Dynamic Displacement Control Technique for Dynamic Analysis of Structures Subjected to Multiple Support Excitation
Tagel-Din: Dynamic Displacement Control Technique for Dynamic Analysis of Structures Subjected to Multiple Support Excitation, 4th International Alexandria Conference on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt, 2nd – 4th...