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A dedicated resource for engineers, students, scientists, and researchers about the advancements inherent in the Applied Element Method (AEM) fully nonlinear 3-D dynamic numerical analysis.
Experimental Testing and Numerical Analysis of 3D Steel Frame System Under Column Loss
ultistory steel frames are expected to provide resistance to progressive collapse following local damage or failure caused by extreme loading events. Features like ductility and continuity provide more...
Separation Strain for Progressive Collapse Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Building Using Applied Element Method
he basic theory of the applied element method is described in this article, and some modeling techniques for applying this analysis method to the simulation of the progressive collapse of reinforced concrete...
Effect of Connection Between Reinforced Concrete Slab and Steel Beams In Multi-Story Frames Subjected to Different Column Loss Scenarios
he paper investigates the contribution of floor systems to improving the progressive collapse resistance of multi-story frame buildings following loss of a column. Composite action and diaphragm effect of...
Verification of Masonry Properties in AEM Analysis for Brick Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frames
he present study focuses on the verification of masonry constituent properties for analytical investigation of the in-plane cyclic behavior of brick infilled RC frames in AEM. The material properties were...
Response of Bridge Structures Subjected to Blast Loads and Protection Techniques to Mitigate the Effect of Blast Hazzards on Bridges
Bridges are critical to the transportation system especially at the time of crisis. They are essential for rescue missions, evacuations, and rapid distribution of aid and medical supplies. Bridges are highly...
Consideration of Poisson’s Ratio Effect in Structural Analysis Using Elements with Three Degrees of Freedom
simple and efficient technique for nonlinear analysis of strucutres was developed and verified by the authors. The results showed good agreement in following the initiation, location and propagation of...
A New Efficient Technique for Fracture Analysis of Structures
new method for fracture analysis of reinforced concrete structures in proposed. The concrete is modeled as an assembly of distinct elements made by dividing the concrete virtually. These elements are...
The Applied Element Method: The Ultimate Analysis of Progressive Collapse
rogressive collapse simulation is the latest challenge facing today’s engineers wishing to assess the integrity of structures and to develop any necessary progressive collapse mitigation strategies. To this...
Modeling Masonry Structures Using The Applied Element Method
asonry is a construction material widely used around the world. Although its poor behavior under seismic loads has been extensively reported, masonry is used in earthquake prone areas mainly due to its...