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A dedicated resource for engineers, students, scientists, and researchers about the advancements inherent in the Applied Element Method (AEM) fully nonlinear 3-D dynamic numerical analysis.
Numerical Collapse Analysis of Tsuyagawa Bridge Damaged by Tohoku Tsunami
n March 2011, the Tohoku tsunami swept over the east coast of Japan killing more than 15,000 people and missing more than 2,500 people. The tsunami resulted in collapsing of more than 400,000 buildings and...
Evaluation Of The Seismic Vulnerability of the “Ancien Hôpital De Sion” Using Applied Element Modelling (AEM) and Local Mechanism Analysis
The evaluation of the seismic vulnerability of monumental buildings is a difficult task and presents significantly higher level of complexity if compared to the case of new or current existing structures. This is due to the inherent uncertainty characterizing ancient buildings, regarding structural characteristics and constructive techniques, material properties, damages due to past actions, which should be properly handled in their seismic assessment.
Collapse Prevention Design Criteria for Moment Connections in Multi-Story Steel Frames Under Extreme Actions
he paper investigates the role of beam-to-column connections in mitigation the progressive collapse of multi-story steel frame buildings in case of column loss. On this purpose, a set of moment frames with...
Ultimate Capacity of Beam-to-Column Connections Under Bending and Axial Stresses
apacity of multi-storey steel frame buildings to resist extreme loading may depend on the performance of beam-to-column connections. If catenary action forms, this results in large axial force demands in...
Progressive Collapse Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Bridges During Earthquakes
revious research on progressive collapse of structures has mainly focused on blast and/or abnormal loadings. Progressive collapse behaviour of structures, especially bridges, caused by earthquake loadings is...
A New Efficient Technique for Fracture Analysis of Structures
new method for fracture analysis of reinforced concrete structures is proposed. The concrete is modeled as an assembly of distinct elements made by dividing the concrete virtually. These elements are...
A New Simple and Accurate Technique for Failure Analysis of Structures
new method for failure and post failure analysis of structures is proposed. A structure is modeled as an assembly of distinct elements. These elements are connected by distributed springs in both normal...
Extending the Collapse Time of Non-Engineered Masonry Buildings Under Seismic Loading
The collapse of non-engineered masonry is one of the greatest causes of death in major earthquake events around the world, yet by definition non-engineered structures remain largely outside of the scope of...
Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Progressive Collapse through Demolition Scenarios and Computer Modeling
ithin the past 40 years, abnormal loadings resulting from natural hazards, design flaws, construction errors, and man-made threats have induced progressive collapse in structures all over the world. As...