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A dedicated resource for engineers, students, scientists, and researchers about the advancements inherent in the Applied Element Method (AEM) fully nonlinear 3-D dynamic numerical analysis.
Numerical Analysis on the Collapse of a RC Frame
his paper focuses on the collapse analysis of a planar RC frame. This research is based on an experimental study presented in the literature. The analyses are conducted using a dedicated software based on...
The Influence of Structural Arrangement on Long-duration Blast Response of Annealed Glazing
This paper investigates the influence of structural arrangement on long-duration blast loaded annealed glazing via variable thickness, area, aspect ratio and edge support conditions. Initially, the findings of eighteen full-scale air-blast trials employing 33 annealed glazing panels are reported where it is demonstrated that fracture mode and fragmentation are a strong function of edge supports.
Numerical Investigation of Reinforced Concrete Barriers Subjected to Blast Loading
People’s lives are threatened by explosions; the tragic terrorist attacks have forced the governments to consider the importance of dealing with these attacks. With the rising threat of terrorism, protecting critical civil infrastructure such as embassies, governmental buildings, and airports against bomb attacks has become a critical issue. In the current research, reinforced concrete barriers subjected to blast loading are numerically investigated using Applied Element Method “AEM”.
Effects of Close Range Blasts on Steel Frames. Experimental Testing and Numerical Validation
uring last decades, there was an increased interest from research and design professionals to provide effective strategies in protecting buildings and other assets from the direct effects of blasts or other...
Building Demolition: Positive Aspect of Progressive Collapse
rogressive collapse is a failure mode of great concern for tall buildings, and it is also typical for building demolition. Engineers are nowadays more and more interested in estimating structures integrity...
Consideration of Poisson’s Ratio Effect in Structural Analysis Using Elements with Three Degrees of Freedom
K. Meguro, H. Tagel-Din. "Consideration of Poisson's Ratio Effect in Structural Analysis Using Elements with Three Degrees of Freedom." BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT STRUCTURE RESEARCH CENTER, INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL SCIENCE, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO, NO. 31, (MARCH...
A New Simple and Accurate Technique for Failure Analysis of Structures
new method for failure and post failure analysis of structures is proposed. A structure is modeled as an assembly of distinct elements. These elements are connected by distributed springs in both normal and...
The Analysis of Collapse of Deteriorated Framed Buildings
rogressive building collapse occurs when failure of a structural component leads to the failure and collapse of surrounding members, possibly promoting additional collapse. It is a complex, nonlinear dynamic...
Experimental & Analytical Investigation of Progressive Collapse Through Demolition Scenarios & Computer Modeling
ithin the past 40 years, abnormal loadings resulting from natural hazards, design flaws, construction errors, and man-made threats have induced progressive collapse in structures all over the world. As...