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A dedicated resource for engineers, students, scientists, and researchers about the advancements inherent in the Applied Element Method (AEM) fully nonlinear 3-D dynamic numerical analysis.
Establishing a Predictive Method for Blast Induced Masonry Debris Distribution Using Experimental and Numerical Methods
hen subjected to blast loading, fragments ejected by concrete or masonry structures present a number of potential hazards. Airborne fragments pose a high risk of injury and secondary damage, with the...
Seismic Performance Evaluation of Masonry Infilled Reinforced Concrete Buildings Utilizing Verified Masonry Properties in Applied Element Method
resent study aims on evaluating the seismic performances of existing Masonry Infilled Reinforced Concrete (MIRC) buildings commonly found in many South and Southeast Asian countries utilizing appropriate...
Ship Impact & Nonlinear Dynamic Collapse Analysis of a Single Well Observation Platform
three-dimensional nonlinear dynamic analysis is performed for a single well observation platform. The structure consists of a single level service deck supported by three driven piles and a bracing frame....
Seismic Assessment of the Damaged Margherita Palace
he Margherita Palace is a heritage masonry structure constructed two centuries ago in L’Aquila (Italy) and extensively damaged by the strong 2009 earthquake. The palace was considered unstable and therefore...
Demolição de Edifícios de Betão Armado por Métodos Explosivos
s time advances structures in Portuguese built areas start to show high levels of degradation. This suggests that when rehabilitation is no longer a viable option these structures need to be demolished. The...
3-Dimensional Applied Element Simulation of Failure Behavior of Structures
Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: 3-Dimensional Applied Element Simulation of Failure Behavior of Structures, Monthly Journal of Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Vol.51, No. 11, pp. 773-776, 1999 (In Japanese)....
Simulation of Buckling and Post-Buckling Behavior of Structures Using Applied Element Method
new extension for the Applied Element Method (AEM) for structural analysis is introduced. This paper deals with the large deformation of elastic structures under static loading condition. In the formulation...
Performance-Based Seismic Vulnerability Evaluation Of Existing Buildings In Old Sectors Of Quebec
asonry is a construction material widely used around the world. Although its poor behavior under seismic loads has been extensively reported, masonry is used in earthquake prone areas mainly due to its...
Building Demolition: Positive Aspect of Progressive Collapse
rogressive collapse is a failure mode of great concern for tall buildings, and it is also typical for building demolition. Engineers are nowadays more and more interested in estimating structures integrity...