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A dedicated resource for engineers, students, scientists, and researchers about the advancements inherent in the Applied Element Method (AEM) fully nonlinear 3-D dynamic numerical analysis.
Evaluation of the Seismic Retrofitting of an Unreinforced Masonry building using Numerical Modeling and Ambient Vibration Measurements
Ambient vibration measurements and 3-D nonlinear time-history numerical modeling are used to assess the retrofitting measures conducted in a 6-story unreinforced masonry building (URM) built in the end of the 19th century in Switzerland. Retrofitting measures were taken in order to improve the soundproofing and possibly the seismic performance of the building. Reinforced concrete (RC) footings were added under the walls and horizontal steel beams were added to link the walls together with a RC slab at each floor, though the wooden beams were left in place. Several ambient vibration recordings were performed before, during and after the retrofitting work in order to monitor the evolution of the dynamic behavior of the structure. Moreover, numerical models representing the state of the building before and after the retrofit work have been developed to perform nonlinear dynamic analyses using various ground motion records.
Simulation of the Dynamic Response of Steel Moment Frames following Sudden Column Loss. Experimental Calibration of the Numerical Model and Application
Significant research effort has been devoted in recent years to the evaluation of the capacity of steel frame structures to resist progressive collapse after sudden column loss. Due to the complex load-structure interaction and material behaviour, it can be very difficult to evaluate the ultimate capacity of structural components using current analytical methods. Therefore considerable research effort has been directed to experimental testing and sophisticated numerical simulations. Although sudden column loss is a dynamic process, most experimental studies on fullscale or scaled down specimens were performed under quasi-static loads. This paper presents the results of a study devoted to the evaluation of steel frame response following the loss of a column. Advanced numerical models are calibrated using experimental test results and dynamic increase factors are studied. Several full-scale structures are investigated for a sudden column loss scenario.
New Methodology of Designing for ATFP Using Modified Alternate Load Path Method
new methodology to design against disproportionate collapse is proposed for critical building that must be operational after a terrorist attack. The disproportionate collapse analysis uses the alternate...
Experimental & Analytical Alternate Load Path Analysis for Reinforced Concrete Flat Plate Systems
lternative Load Path Analysis (ALPA) is becoming the most common technique for performance based design of structures to resist disproportionate collapse. This has coincided with an increased ability of high...
Structural Stability of Buildings Exposed to the Risk of Terrorist Bomb Attacks
errorist acts of the past two decades have resulted in major changes in approaches further military actions, while having consequences for all areas of social life. Many of terrorist attacks targeted or...
Simulation of Seismic Damage to Steel Buildings
uring earthquakes, pounding of adjacent buildings occurs due to their different dynamic characteristics as well as insufficient separation distance between them. Although earthquake loading is commonly...
Numerical Study of Collapse Behavior of RC Bridges due to Extremely High Seismic Load Considering Post-Peak Behavior
he analytical model for collapse analysis is taken into account for the effect of post-peak behavior due to reinforcement buckling and concrete spalling is developed based on the Applied Element Method...
Collapse Analysis of Utatsu Ohashi Bridge Damaged by Tohuku Tsunami Using Applied Element Method
he 2011 Tohuku tsunami on the east coast of Japan resulted in killing more than 15,000 people and missing more than 2,500 people, washing away of more than 250 coastal bridges and loss of US$235 billion....
Seismic Progressive Collapse of Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures using the Applied Element Method
ollapse of reinforced concrete structures under earthquakes is the main reason for life loss. Thus, avoiding structural collapse under strong earthquakes is the aim of seismic codes. The aim of the current...