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A dedicated resource for engineers, students, scientists, and researchers about the advancements inherent in the Applied Element Method (AEM) fully nonlinear 3-D dynamic numerical analysis.
Improving the Structural Robustness of Multistory Steel-Frame Buildings
lthough there are numerous hazards that could trigger the progressive collapse of a building, there are limited provisions in related codes regarding the design of structures to withstand exposure to such...
Theoretical and Experimental Research on Progressive Collapse of RC Frame Buildings
rogressive collapse of the buildings has become an important issue to be studied in recent years due to the catastrophic nature of its effects. This subject can be approached from two different perspectives:...
Analysis of FRP-to-Concrete Joint Assemblies with FRP Spike Anchors using the Applied Element Method
xperiments have shown fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) spike anchors to increase the bond strength of FRP-to concrete joint assemblies. However, the debonding mechanism is not yet fully explained and a...
Modeling Progressive Collapse of RC Bridges during Earthquakes
he research on progressive collapse of structures generally focuses on gravity and blast loadings and the design objective is to increase the redundancy and robustness of structures to prevent progressive...
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