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A dedicated resource for engineers, students, scientists, and researchers about the advancements inherent in the Applied Element Method (AEM) fully nonlinear 3-D dynamic numerical analysis.
An Investigation of the Effectiveness of the Framing Systems in Steel Structures Subjected to Blast Loading
he effectiveness of different framing systems for three seismically designed steel frame structures subjected to blast loading is investigated. The three faming systems considered are: a moment resisting...
Structural Identification and Damage Characterization of a Masonry Infill Wall in a Full-Scale Building Subjected to Internal Blast Load
tructural identification continues to develop an expanding role within performance-based civil engineering by offering a means to construct high-fidelity analytical models of in-service structures calibrated...
Alternate Path Progressive Collapse Analysis of Steel Stud Bearing Wall Structures
he Alternate Path Method is used to examine the vulnerability of a 5-story barracks building to progressive collapse based on DoD criteria UFC-4-023-03. The building is composed of composite deck floor...
Seismic Progressive Collapse Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Bridges by Applied Element Method
uring seismic response, redistribution of load carried by damaged or failed structural members to adjacent members may lead to overstress or exceeding load resistant capacity of the other members resulting...
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