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A dedicated resource for engineers, students, scientists, and researchers about the advancements inherent in the Applied Element Method (AEM) fully nonlinear 3-D dynamic numerical analysis.
Reduced Degree of Freedom Modeling for Progressive Collapse Analysis of Tall Buildings using Applied Element Method
ince progressive collapse of tall buildings can cause enormous damage, it should be considered during the design phase of tall buildings. The progressive collapse analysis of tall buildings using finite...
Nonlinear analysis of the dynamic behavior of prefabricated pedestrian walkways
arthquakes have been considered one of the most destructive and violent forces of nature, causing great tragedies and significant economic losses. The main of this study objective is to evaluate the overall...
Development of Fragility Functions for Low Strength Masonry Buildings in Nepal using Applied Element Method
arthquake risk assessment and preparation of earthquake risk scenario is a strong awareness raising and planning tool for implementing earthquake risk management activities. Use of appropriate fragility...
Aspects Concerning Progressive Collapse of a Reinforced Concrete Frame Structure with Infill Walls
he present paper proposes modern approaches, nonlinear static and dynamic analysis procedures based on the Applied Element Method, to assess a progressive collapse problem of a RC frame structure with infill...
Modeling Masonry Structures Using The Applied Element Method
asonry is a construction material widely used around the world. Although its poor behavior under seismic loads has been extensively reported, masonry is used in earthquake prone areas mainly due to its...
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3-Dimensional Applied Element Simulation of Failure Behavior of Structures
K. Meguro, H. Tagel-Din. "D3-Dimensional Applied Element Simulation of Failure Behavior of Structures." MONTHLY JOURNAL OF INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL SCIENCEVOL.51, NO. 11, PP. 773-776 (1997). In Japanese ...