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A dedicated resource for engineers, students, scientists, and researchers about the advancements inherent in the Applied Element Method (AEM) fully nonlinear 3-D dynamic numerical analysis.
Infilled Masonry Walls Contribution in Mitigating Progressive Collapse of multistory Reinforced Concrete Structures According to UFC Guidelines
structure is subjected to progressive collapse when an element fails, resulting in failure of adjoining structural elements which, in their turn, cause further structural failure leading eventually to...
Earthquake Pounding Effect on Adjacent Reinforced Concrete Buildings
uring earthquakes, pounding of adjacent buildings occurs due to their different dynamic characteristics as well as insufficient separation distance between them. Although earthquake loading is commonly...
Modelling Debris Distribution of Masonry Panels Subject to Blast Loads Using Experimental & Applied Element Methods
last loading and its interaction with structures is a complex phenomenon even in the simplest of cases and modelling its effects is a non-trivial task. This complexity is increased when dealing with long...
Development of Fragility Functions for Low Strength Masonry Buildings in Nepal using Applied Element Method
arthquake risk assessment and preparation of earthquake risk scenario is a strong awareness raising and planning tool for implementing earthquake risk management activities. Use of appropriate fragility...
Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Progressive Collapse through Demolition Scenarios and Computer Modeling
ithin the past 40 years, abnormal loadings resulting from natural hazards, design flaws, construction errors, and man-made threats have induced progressive collapse in structures all over the world. As...
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Applied Element Simulation of Large Deformation of Structures
Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: Applied Element Simulation of Large Deformation of Structures, Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) Annual Conference, Kobe, Japan, Oct. 1998. [symple_box color="gray"...
Applied Element Simulation of Collapse Process of Structures due to Impulsive Forces
Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Applied Element Simulation of Collapse Process of Structures due to Impulsive Forces, 17th Annual Conf. on Natural Disaster Reduction, Kanazawa, Japan, Oct. 1998. (Title in Japanese) [symple_box color="gray" fade_in="false"...