Experiments have shown fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) spike anchors to increase the bond strength of FRP-to concrete joint assemblies. However, the debonding mechanism is not yet fully explained and a holistic bond-slip model is not available in the open literature. To begin to address these items, the development of a three dimensional model to analyse the full response of these assemblies using a relatively new numerical approach known as the applied element method (AEM) is presented. It is believed that this represents the first time the AEM is used to simulate the behaviour of FRP strengthened structures. The AE model developed to-date is able to simulate the full response of the assembly, capture one of the common observed failure modes, and predict the failure load with accuracy. Advantages of using the AEM compared to the traditional finite element method are presented, and some features that require future work have been identified based on the outcomes of this initial investigation.

I. Mohamed, R. Seracino, and S.T. Smith: Analysis of FRP-to-Concrete Joint Assemblies with FRP Spike Anchors using the Applied Element Method, The Second Official Interntational Conference of International Institute for ERP in Construction for Asia-Pacific Region, December 2009.

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